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17 May, 2009

Eurovision 2009.

Hiya all!!!

This year was nothing different from last 10 or more years.
Always the same...who ever wants to win on this contest must take care not only on the song ...the performer must look good on the outside, any good tricks are welcome - such as lots of dancers, flying on the stage etc.

My fav this year was definitely the Spain, and I just can't believe they got barely a few points!!!
Turkey was not bad (although they have always same type of songs almost every year), Azerbeidzan was not bad...a few qualitat songs..the other...I wouldn't listen to them even if they were last songs on Earth :p

And one of the badest (in my opinion) Norway won.
Earned or not.

Well in my opinion the Eurovision song contest is not about the song itself anymore,it's related to politics and goodly-neighbour relations,and it's been like that for more years now.
It really bugs me and nobody can enjoy that anymore,the voting part must've been exciting and tense, but we knew after 3 country voted who will win and that's lame if you ask me.
I mean...among 42 countries which had the right to vote, I just can't believe that everybody ..every nation,who ever voted liked just that particular song.
I think there's something more about that.

But I won't go deeper and further in that,I think you all know what Eurovision song contest has turned into the last 10 years.

I put a video of winner on the right side of blog so you don't have to go to Youtube to search,just click and enjoy ;)


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